Group of WLC students near the Divine Servant Statue in the Quad

Faith, Service, and Christian Leadership

Rooted in Jesus' Truth

One constant amidst the unknown is Jesus. At Wisconsin Lutheran College, 你将在基督的真理中扎根,并被鼓励以他为榜样,成为仆人式的领袖.


“Promoting the spiritual growth of students, faculty, and staff; and preparing students for lives of Christian leadership” is a central tenet of WLC's mission. 

It’s normal for young people — even those with loving, supportive families and friends — to feel alone, or unsure about their path in life. 近年来,随着我们都在努力应对瞬息万变的世界和每天的不确定性,这种感觉只会加剧. One constant amidst the unknown is Jesus.

At Wisconsin Lutheran College, 你将在基督的真理中扎根,并被鼓励以他为榜样,成为仆人式的领袖. With His example, the world begins to look different, your path appears clearer, and changing the world for the better feels more possible.

What will your faith experience look like?

Our theological foundation is Lutheran, and our students represent a wide spectrum of faith backgrounds. 我们的教师精通处理现实世界的问题,同时坚持圣经原则. 你将应对挑战,将你的信仰服务于你周围的世界, and we promise to support you in that journey.


当耶稣为他的门徒洗脚时,他震撼了他们,为我们展示了真正的领导能力(约翰福音13:8)。. He knew his purpose in history (John 13:1). He knew his restorative role that others couldn't yet see, 他知道他的爱和牺牲将会怎样显明出来(约翰福音13:3)。. 我们相信理解并听从耶稣在约翰福音13章的榜样是成为基督徒领袖的关键.

In a corner of our Quad, you'll find a bronze statue of "Divine Servant", a sculpture of Jesus washing Peter's feet. 这个雕像每天都在提醒我们的校园社区,耶稣为我们提供了一个基督徒领袖的形象, 以及活出生命的能力——通过耶稣在十字架上的牺牲和空坟墓,我们被激励和引导,勇敢地活出我们的生命, to His glory.

Become a Leader Who Stands Out

当我们以耶稣的方式去爱和带领(通过服事),我们也会以好的方式震撼别人. 信誉最好的网投平台排名,我们培养学生以上帝的仆人耶稣的智慧和激进的爱来领导. 当今世界迫切需要这样的领导力. 耶稣体现了真正的领导力,现在通过圣灵赋予我们能力,使我们也能活出领导力.

Discover Your Purpose and Role in History

Jesus knew he would sacrifice himself to redeem the world. 这些知识和理解使他能够以强有力的方式领导并改变世界. Can you envision the critical role you’ll play in history? From your first day at WLC, we’ll prepare you to see it, know it, and step into it without hesitation. 我们优先确保你能理解你与基督的关系以及你在世界上的背景, 同时发现神对你作为一个个体和一代人的旨意.

See Restorative Potential in Others

耶稣能在他周围看到救赎的可能性,在各种各样的人和情况下. WLC提供了一个学术和信仰的经验,让你在日常生活和工作中看到同样的潜力. That "restorative potential" is activated when you love others, 运用你的技能和能力来改善你的家, church, workplace, 和社区——当福音被分享时,它是通过圣灵的工作实现的.


我们是由基督徒创立的,他们希望创办一所以忠于圣经和路德教信条为特色的大学, and we remain rooted in Jesus’ truths, motivated by the gospel, and shaped by the enduring Word of God. 我们努力指导和培养学生的基督教信仰总结了路德教的告白.

威斯康辛路德教会学院隶属于威斯康辛福音路德教会。, and our faculty are members of the WELS. While our theological foundation is Lutheran, our students represent a wide-spectrum of faith backgrounds. 你不需要成为路德教会或高中的成员来注册WLC. 作为教职员工,我们的目标是尊重在追求圣经答案的同时,提出和发现具有挑战性的问题所带来的紧张关系.

During your time at WLC, 我们希望为你提供机会,让你在基督教信仰中蓬勃发展,并识别和培养你的个人天赋, 这样你就可以认识到你一生的工作不仅仅是一份事业, but as an important part of God's work in the world.

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